Prioritize and Minimize Your Trap Checking Efforts

According to a noted pest control luminary, PCOs can spend as much as 70% of their time on monitoring their traps, when they do it manually. When the PCOs use electronic remote monitoring (ERM), though, this time goes to 20%.

Use ERM and you can more than doubles the time you have for inspection, exclusion, clean-up, client interaction and other tasks, as well as real-time data to drive your strategies. That means better results and more profit.

Trapmate – True Remote Monitoring that Works Like You Do

Use Skyhawk’s Trapmate electronic remote monitoring systems to take back the time you’d otherwise spend checking empty traps. Here’s what you’ll get with Trapmate:

  • The easiest-to-deploy ERM system on the market
  • The most accurate sensors for detecting trap activity
  • Battery-powered Hubs you can place anywhere for best performance
  • A system that works with all of your existing traps
  • The lowest total cost of ownership of any ERM system available

Talk to Us and We’ll Show you How We’re Different

Fill out the form on this page, e-mail [email protected], or call 800-760-3699.

ActiveSense user? Check out our ActiveSense migration promotion!

Prioritize and Minimize Your Trap Checking Efforts

Show me how Trapmate will save me time and money