Summer Camp Nuisance

Summer Camp Nuisance

Moyer Indoor | Outdoor is a family-owned company founded in 1869. Today Moyer has nine service divisions, including Moyer Pest Control for residential and commercial customers. Moyer Pest Control delivers pest and wildlife control services in Southeastern Pennsylvania and portions of New Jersey and Delaware.

The Problem

A summer camp in Pennsylvania contacted Moyer Pest Control to remove several beavers that had become a nuisance. In Pennsylvania, beavers are considered wildlife, so the camp needed a licensed nuisance wildlife control operator like Moyer Pest Control to help

The Challenge

Pennsylvania requires that beaver traps be checked on a daily basis to ensure the animals are treated humanely. But with the summer camp being located 45 minutes from Moyer’s office, driving to and from the site each day was taking considerable time, and racking up significant fuel charges. And most days, the traps were empty.

The Moyer team decided to deploy an electronic remote monitoring (ERM) solution — a legal alternative to in-person trap checking in the state of Pennsylvania — to address what could otherwise be an unprofitable job.

The Plan of Action

After researching various electronic monitoring solutions, Moyer chose to use the Skyhawk Trapmate Kiwi to as their ERM solution.  By using the Trapmate Kiwi, they were able to complete the job more efficiently, saving both time and money since they sent out a licensed technician only when a capture had was detected by the Kiwi.

For this control method, Moyer chose the Comstock live cage. These cages do not rely on a trip pan but rather have wires in the middle of the cage that, when engaged, trigger the door to close. One cage was set on a clear trail and one in a shallow feeder stream that the beavers traveled.

Due to the nature of the beavers, Moyer did not use bait since the travel paths were easily identified. Skyhawk Kiwi remote sensors were installed on each cage so Moyer’s office would be alerted that a capture had occurred, avoiding unnecessary travel and cage checks.

Moyer attached the Kiwis using the provided accessories to the Comstock traps. When the Kiwi detected the movement of the trap door, it broadcast an alert to the Skyhawk CE app, the control center for all your deployed Trapmate devices. The Kiwi sends its alerts through the cellular network in the United States with the most coverage, ensuring high reliability.

The Results

Using the Kiwis immediately made the trapping process more efficient for Moyer, in a way that was less intrusive to the customer.

The Kiwi provides both a magnetic sensor (a reed switch) as well as a vibration sensor, allowing an extra level of certainty in determining that a catch had happened.  If a trap was tripped but no further movement was detected, a single alert is sent, so the technician could avoid an unnecessary trap check or determine follow-up action.

The day after the cages were installed, the Kiwi activated an alert from both sensors. A technician went out to check the confirmed catch, and then transported the captured beaver to release it at a pre-approved site. The cages were checked, and one beaver was caught and safely released at a pre-approved site.

After a few days with no captures, a second beaver was caught and released. The cages were left in place for three consecutive days after that, with no further captures, so the beaver removal was deemed complete.

The Trapmate Advantage

Let’s compare the profitability of this job, with and without Trapmate.

Each trap check took 1.5 hours for driving and checking.

Without Trapmate: Moyer would have had to check the trap each day for the week, requiring a total of 10.5 hours.

With Trapmate: Moyer only had to make three trips — two for the captures, and one to retrieve the traps, for a total of 4.5 hours. 

A total of 6 person-hours were saved by having Trapmate devices on two traps at this site, in just a week. The Kiwis were then deployed at other sites, for continued savings.

Improving Customer Service Using Skyhawk Trapmate

Improving Customer Service Using Skyhawk Trapmate

Animal and Wildlife Control

Lee’s Nuisance Wildlife Services, LLC provides professional animal and wildlife control services and solves nuisance animal problems for residential and commercial properties in Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. Their methods include capture, removal, and deterrence, specializing in beaver, groundhog, raccoon, mole, skunk control, and most other wildlife.


Lee’s was running into significant issues that made meeting customer expectations and adherence to trap-checking regulations challenging. Topping the list of problems was bad reception on existing cameras for trap monitoring, the expense of camera replacement, drive time for technicians, and the cost of gas. Without the ability to remotely monitor the traps effectively using only cameras, technicians drove for one to two hours to check traps for raccoons, groundhogs, and skunks to traps without knowing if they contained animals. Since the company charges per animal (not per trap), useless checks on sites serve no purpose in growing the business.


Lee, the owner of Lee’s Nuisance Wildlife Services, wanted to ensure that he maintained the high level of customer satisfaction he and his team had worked hard to attain. Critical to managing their reputation, they needed to ensure remote trap locations could be easily monitored

Skyhawk Kiwi

Moyer used the versatile Kiwi single-trap solution for this application. The device is designed to be placed almost anywhere on any trap. An accessory pack with various attachment options is included, and even a standard zip tie can be used to hold the unit in place.

Plan of Action

After discovering the Kiwi by Skyhawk, Lee required that each trap deployed by Lee’s would use Skyhawk’s remote monitoring device. The deployed Kiwis have better reception, are easier to use, and are priced better than cameras and other monitoring solutions. Additionally, some monitoring devices must be replaced when the life of the unit’s battery ends vs the ability to replace the batteries and keep your original Kiwi.

Mobile App

The Skyhawk CE App is the control center for all your deployed Trapmate devices.Lee’s monitored battery status, managed notifications, and added and removed sensors through the streamlined user interface.


Without Kiwis, his team had to perform daily on-location trap checks. Now they only go to a site when an animal has been caught. Scheduling benefits from knowing what traps need to be cleared at what locations, drastically reducing drive time, and ensuring compliance with trap-checking laws. Techs in the field are now able to focus on additional jobs.

“It’s like having an additional two techs on my team performing checks”


Owner, Lee's Nuisance Wildlife Services. LLC


Lee’s started using Kiwis about six months ago. The ability to increase revenue has made it possible to add better traps and more devices and expand the business to different horizons. “It’s like having an additional two techs on my team performing checks,” Lee states. “I think more businesses in our line of work should know about the use and potential of Skyhawk devices. Now all my traps require a Skyhawk device before being deployed on a job site.”

By the Numbers

Trapmate™ Enables Improved Roof Rat Trapping and Removal

Trapmate™ Enables Improved Roof Rat Trapping and Removal

We all know the need, business opportunities, and headaches of roof rat eradication services. Rats in attics, and for that matter, other unwanted rodents and animals, can be some of the most disruptive and damaging problems pest control operators tackle. The issue is also very noticeable(attic noises, dead rodent smells), leading to unacceptable cancellation rates and added labor-intensive and sometimes dangerous service calls. “Trapmate,” Skyhawk’s unique portable remote IoT trap monitoring system, has dramatic potential to make roof rat eradication efforts one of the most profitable aspects of your business.

Many of the benefits of remote monitoring for roof rat trapping are apparent. Nobody enjoys routinely entering attics. The risks, uncertainties, and environmental variability are notorious. Minimizing the need for visits while remotely alerting to trap activity in real-time offers obvious benefits by reducing client visits, entering attics, and service quality risks from decaying rodents in often hot environments.

Other beneficial business aspects of remote monitoring might not be so obvious.

  1. Stand out as a cutting-edge, advanced service provider
  2. Customer retention rates improve
  3. Enhanced reoccurring revenue opportunity when offered as a service
  4. Reduce labor costs for increased profit
Remote monitoring for rodent control has been of interest for many years. Pioneers such as Corteva and Bayer have developed solutions and wisely promoted the technology to everybody’s benefit. However, their products commonly focus on more extensive installations with the need for a local power supply and RF site surveys.

With Trapmate, Skyhawk is offering similar, but enhanced, technology with the following advantages:

  1. More affordable
  2. More portable
  3. 100% battery operated with long life (sensors 5+ years)
  4. Batteries are easily replaced with off-the-shelf batteries
  5. Versatile, suitable for rodent and live animal trapping
  6. Easier to deploy
  7. Independently work with most trap brands or types
Trapmate is the culmination of a 5-year development effort and was preceded by the initial introduction of the Skyhawk Kiwi, a single live trap monitor that was awarded NWCOA’s product of the year in 2019 and has been widely deployed in the following years. It has dramatically improved the business operations of WCOs (Wildlife Control Operators) who have embraced the technology.
How Remote Trap Monitoring Benefits the Environment

How Remote Trap Monitoring Benefits the Environment

Sometimes the woodland creatures that look so cute outside make their way into yards and homes, creating a mess, destroying personal property, and possibly even carrying disease. A pest or wildlife control operator undertaking the abatement requires understanding the impact actions could have on a homestead, a family, their pets, and the environment.

That’s where remote trap monitoring can help. With Skyhawk remote monitoring solutions, a pest or wildlife control operator will be notified through the app that a trap has been activated. This is important as some states require a limited window of time that a caught animal can remain in a trap.

Beyond being a valuable tool to support pest control goals, remote trap monitoring also benefits the environment in these critical ways.

  • Reduced use of rodenticide – Remote trap monitoring helps pest control companies significantly limit or eliminate their use of rodenticide, which removes the worry about a family’s pet ingesting a poisoned creature and suffering ill effects. Beyond the threat to Rover and Tabby, most families just don’t want any kind of chemicals in and around their residences. With Skyhawk, sensors on each trap alert the user when tripped, requiring the field tech to tend to the trap. No rodenticide is needed.
  • Increased biological sustainability – Expanding the picture, using less rodenticide also positively impacts the longevity of any birds of prey and carnivores up the food chain. And looking even further, this leads to less rodenticide being leached into waterways, decomposing, polluting the ground, and more.
  • Decreased fuel usage – Another positive is that our remote monitoring minimizes the need for the traps to be visually checked multiple times a week. This reduces fuel usage and emissions of the technicians who previously had to drive to locations across a dispersed area, often finding empty traps and rendering their trips useless.

Read our case studies to see examples of our technology supporting environmental and sustainability needs.